What’s New in September 2021

Sep 29, 2021 | Newsletter, Update

Good day LVM Track clients and partners!  September came in with a bang!  What a busy month so far.  Have you noticed that business has picked up considerably?  As always, we have been working on new feature enhancements to LVM Track and Pro+ Modules.  Keep reading for full details on all the new features launched this month.

LVM Track New Features and Enhancements

Unit Type Search Function

We have recently added a Unit Type feature where you can select a specific vehicle type.  Ex, Passenger Vehicle, Dump Truck, etc.  Wiaon’s monitoring tab has a search function that also includes Unit Type, which is very convenient.  Think about a Dispatcher that needs to dispatch some work to a Dump Truck only.  You may not be able to differentiate on vehicle type when looking at a large fleet in the system.  You can now search, Dump Truck for example, and then you’ll see a filtered list of Dump Trucks.

We’ve now added a search field here so when you select a Unit Type, you can search for the vehicle or equipment type that you’d like to assign to that Unit.

We also now prioritize recently used vehicle/equipment types to reduce the amount of manual selection or searching, further speeding up this process.

wialon_unit type search

New recently used category in the unit properties



Production campaign control

There is a new Campaigns tab in the navigation panel designed for medium-term planning.

This feature allows you to manage and control agricultural work and implementations.

agri+ tab

The updated navigation panel in Agri+


The campaign includes the following features:

  • Operations related to the campaign – sowing, combining, etc
  • Interval, i.e. dates of the operations – From 2 to 30 days
  • Selected fields that apply to the campaign

After you create and save your campaign in Agri+, you need to register cultivations every day. This allows the application to build a graph based on the data obtained during the campaign: the total area, how much work has been completed, whether the campaign is running late/ahead of schedule, etc.

The data is displayed in the form of a general report on the selected parameters and a report for each day of the campaign. This allows you to easily determine how much work needs to be done per day to meet the target campaign deadline. It’s very easy to see things that are behind schedule, allowing you to proactively take measures to catch up.


New Campaigns tab for medium-term planning



New Units page

We have added a new Units page to the menu where you can see a list of all the available units and their characteristics, including the usage cost for each unit per 1 km, 1 hour, 1 order, and 1 vehicle departure.

How does this affect your business?

  1. You can leverage the most appropriate vehicles and routes based on cost values

A dispatcher now can see the cost values for each vehicle. Leveraging these values, the dispatcher can calculate the route cost, monitor other parameters, and find the most suitable transport for an order.

  1. Edit unit properties for each vehicle

The dispatcher now sees unit properties and can edit them for each vehicle. For example, if the vehicle’s capacity or volume has changed, the unit information can be easily updated in the app.


Move Orders Between Routes

You can now move an order from one route to another.  This is a very useful new feature and it’s easy to do.  Just click and drag the order from one route to another.  The route will also automatically recalculate and update itself with new ETA’s etc.  This is all synchronized with the mobile app, so your drivers are always in the loop with new changes, etc.

dispatch order arrangement between routes

Moving an order from one route to another


There is now a tooltip with information on how to move orders from one route to another.

New table design

The tables in the Planning, Routes and Template pages have been designed to be more user-friendly and easier to read. These are subtle changes that make a huge difference in daily operation.  Go check them out!



Automatic Online 2.0 mode activation for new depots

Transit+ 2.0 was released last month.  At that time, activation of the new features was manual.

This is now enabled by default for new depots created by LVM Track users.


Daylight saving time (DST) for the USA and Canada

North America DST is now supported in the Depot settings tab under the Daylight saving time setting.

Once you choose and save the option, the time zone will shift automatically twice per year:

  • 1 hour back: second Sunday in March at 2 a.m.;
  • 1 hour ahead: first Sunday in November at 2 a.m.

Contact us today!

Email: info@lvmtech.com

Tel: +1-800-964-4551


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